Privacy Policy

Please read this Privacy Notice to understand how we may collect, use and protect your personal data. This Privacy Notice is issued on behalf of the Gaya By Gayendri Store and when we refer to "Gaya By Gayendri", "we", "us" or "our", we mean the relevant company is responsible for processing your personal data.


Contact Us

To exercise any of your rights under this Privacy Notice, or if you have any questions regarding your personal data, please contact us at


What kind of personal data do we collect


Personal data, or personal information, means information about an individual from which that person can be identified. It does not include data which has been anonymised so that an individual cannot be identified.


We collect, use and store various types of personal data about you including:

  • a) your name, surname, title, username or similar identifier, nationality, date of birth, gender and other identifying data;
  • b) your email address, billing address, delivery addresses, telephone number, social media handle and any other personal data that you provide by completing forms on the website;
  • c) details of any transactions made by you;
  • d) website login activity and details of products you have viewed on the website or placed in your basket whilst logged in;
  • e) personal data that may be contained in communications you send to us;
  • f) information you voluntarily provide in surveys that we may, from time to time, conduct on the website or via email for research purposes (only if you choose to participate in them);
  • g) credit/debit card information;
  • h) technical data about your laptop, phone or tablet for example your IP address, browser information, location, operating system and platform;
  • i) Your social media handle and other data that you voluntarily publish or share publicly, like your preferences in your social media accounts, for example on social a network (e.g., Facebook, Instagram, etc.) which is collected by third party analytics providers (such as Google Analytics and Facebook Business Manager), advertising networks and search information providers. These third parties have their own privacy and cookies policies which apply to the way they collect and share your personal data with us;
  • j) Information relating to your shopping preferences (for example, your size and style preferences), purchasing data (purchased products, location, date and time of purchase) and marketing and communications preferences you have selected.

What happens if you don't provide your personal data?


Providing your personal data to us is voluntary. However, we will need certain personal data to process purchases you make through the website (in particular, your name, email, billing address and delivery address) or to respond to communications you send to us.


Providing data for marketing purpose and profiling purpose is instead optional. Not providing your data for these purposes will not have any negative consequences for you and you can revoke your consent at any time by emailing:


When we collect personal data


We collect personal data that you provide through the website, when you are at our stall or through other media, for example, when you:

  • a) Create an account with us, either through the website or in store;
  • b) Visit the website, and login to your account to buy products, place products in your shopping cart or otherwise browse the website;
  • c) Purchase a product through the website, in store or by phone;
  • d) Subscribe to the Gaya By Gayendri newsletter;
  • e) Contact us through the customer services function or by any other means;
  • f) Contact store staff (including where you communicate with store staff through What’sApp or other communication apps);
  • g) Book a stylist appointment or any other in store appointment;
  • h) Request a store to contact you (for example, in connection with alterations or if a product is out of stock)
  • i) Choose to complete any surveys we send you.
  • Please remember that where you share your personal data through an app or other third party platform, your use of the app or platform and the way in which your personal data may be processed will be subject to the privacy policies of such third party provider and terms and conditions of such app or platform.

How we use your personal data


We only use or "process" your personal data where permitted by law. In most cases, we rely on one of the following legal grounds for processing personal data:


Processing is necessary to perform a contract with you or take steps that you have requested in order to enter into a contract (for example, the contract for the sale and purchase of products);


Processing is necessary for us to comply with a legal obligation (for example, fraud prevention);


Processing is necessary for the purposes of our legitimate interests, and our interests are not overridden by your interests, fundamental rights or freedoms; or


Your consent, in connection with certain marketing activities


your consent, in connection with profiling (this is where we analyze your preferences in-store or whilst on the website), for example, in relation to purchased products, viewed products, stores where purchases were made, in order to provide personalized offers that are in line with your interests.


How your personal data are processed and protected ?


Your personal data may be processed, either electronically or in hard copy form. We have a range of security measures in place to prevent your personal data from being accidentally lost, used or accessed in an unauthorized way, altered or disclosed. For example, purchases you make through the website are protected by GDPR compliance.


We have put in place procedures to deal with any suspected personal data breach and will notify you and any applicable regulator of a breach where appropriate.


However, no data transmission over the Internet or data storage system can be guaranteed to be 100 percent secure, so please do not send us information you consider confidential via e-mail. It is your personal responsibility to protect your log in details and password for the website.


How long do we keep your personal data ?


We retain your personal data to comply with a legal obligation and to perform a contract to which you are a party only for as long as we need it to fulfill the purposes we collected it for and/or for legal, tax, accounting or reporting requirements in any case not exceeding 10 years after termination of the contract. After that time, your data will be destroyed or rendered unusable or made anonymous.


Your personal data collected for marketing and profiling purposes may be kept for a period of 7 years from your last interaction with us (for example, a purchase, clicking a link in a newsletter or making changes to your website account), after which your personal data will be deleted or anonymised. We may retain your personal data for a longer period in the event of a complaint or if we reasonably believe there is a prospect of a complaint or litigation.


We may continue to use anonymised data aggregated with other data.


Rights reserved by you


You have a number of rights in relation to your personal data including the right:

  • a) to be informed about how we use your personal data (as we have explained in this Privacy Notice);
  • b) to request access to and receive a copy of the personal data we hold about you (this is also known as a "data subject access request");
  • c) to request that we correct any inaccuracies in your personal data;
  • d) to request that we delete your personal data or restrict processing of your personal data;
  • e) in certain circumstances, to move, copy or transfer personal information you have provided to us (this is also known as the right to data portability);
  • f) where we are using your personal data with your consent, withdraw your consent at any time (for example, you can opt-out of marketing communications by changing your settings in your account on the website, or using the 'unsubscribe' link provided in our emails or contacting us directly);
  • g) to object to use of your personal data based on our legitimate interests;

Changes to this privacy notice


We keep this Privacy Notice under review and occasionally will update this Privacy Notice, for example, if we change the way we use your personal data or if there are new legal or technical requirements. We will post the updated Privacy Notice on the website so please review this page regularly.


What is not covered by this notice


The Notice does not cover processing carried out by parties other than GBG and in particular does not cover:

  • a) the processing carried out by our business partners as autonomous data controllers including those carried out by social media platforms within Our Pages;
  • b) the further processing carried out by our Affiliates as autonomous data controllers for purposes other than those described in this Notice.

With respect to such hypotheses, we do not assume any responsibility for the processing of your Data not covered by this Notice.